Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

ubi Gadung Bulbs Benefits And Danger

Although this Gadung Bulbs dangerous if not knowing how processing, there are many benefits and
usefulness for the treatment of several diseases, among others: Vidio Cara Pembuatan
5.Pain bile. 
6.Menstrual pain. 
7.Inflammation of the gallbladder. 
8.Rheumatism (painful joints). 
9.Calluses (topical).
Gadung possessed properties as compound: antispasmodic, anti-fatigue, anti-inflammatory, Chologogue, estrogenic, HypocholesterolemicManfaat Bulbs Gadung
Method Two: Benefits Gadung Bulbs Vidio Cara Pembuatan
     Peel the skin of the tuber Gadung fresh so clean.
     Tipistipis yam tuber pieces, then coat with wood ash (ash kitchen)
     Drying yam tubers that had been covered with wood ash is to truly dry.
     Soak the tubers of yam with clean running water for 3-4 days.
     Drain the yam tuber, then wash again with salt water.
     Lift and yam tubers to dry in the sun to dry truly.

To obtain assurance that yam tubers had not poisonous, it can be attempted to livestock. If the cattle

are eating the yam tuber anything at no symptoms, meaning they no yam tubers contain toxins. On the contrary, if the cattle are eating symptoms pusingpusing means yam tuber is still toxic, therefore the process needs to be repeated until the start of immersion diair terakhir.Manfaat Gadung Bulbs
There are two kinds of technical ways to eliminate these toxic substances or alkaloids in bulbs Gadung, to be safe when processed into makanan.Manfaat Bulbs Gadung First Method: Benefits Gadung Bulbs 1. Take yam tuber has been carefully so as not to hurt 2. Tubers Cut into pieces using a sharp knife. 3. Smear the wound with ash kitchen pieces, and let it or save it for 24 hours. 4. Then peel the yam tuber pieces to clean. 5. Wash peeled yam pieces in running water. 6. Insert pieces of yam tuber into the basket and immediately soak in salt water for 2-4 days. 7. Lift and drain the yam tubers scraps of salt water, then wash with sugar water. 8. Subsequently, yam tuber scraps basking in the sun. 9. Repeat immersion in salt water, sugar water washing and drying up to 2 3 times to poison dioscorin trulylost.Vidio Cara Pembuatan

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Contak : Ibu salimi , 085784603657 PIN :7D3DC971
Alamat : Ds. Tiron, Kec.Banyakan, Kab.Kediri

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